Manufacturing 2021
2021-10-29 —
About the conference
Dear Researchers, PhD Students, Business Leaders, Industry Professionals!
First call for paper for the MANUFACTURING2021 Conference, 29-30 October 2021 to be held in Veszprém, at the University of Pannonia in Hungary
Dear Researchers, PhD students, Corporate Leaders, Industry Experts!
The 24th edition of the MANUFACTURING conference will be held in 2021, on the 29-30 th October
The Scientific Association for Mechanical Engineering (GTE) has teamed up with the University of Pannonia to organize the event in Veszprém. The topic of the conference covers the issues of product life cycle management, manufacturing planning, material engineering, energetics and logistics furthermore product management and the issues of Industry 4.0 and the areas of digital manufacturing sciences respectively. Teachers, researchers PhD students and industry experts are cordially invited from Hungary and as well as from Central- Europe to present their state-of-the-art achievements. During the two-day conference respected experts will deliver keynote speeches. After the keynote speeches presentations will be held on the newest results of manufacturing technology and their industrial applications.
Furthermore the conference gives a chance for domestic small and middle-sized enterprises, and multinational companies to set up exhibition booths and deliver industrial presentations, so professionals coming from both Hungary and abroad can familiarize themselves with the pursuits, products and services of given companies.
You can apply with a presentation, a poster, with a table-top exhibition or as a participant for very reduced prices.
The languages of the conference are Hungarian and English. Submitted papers in English in connection with the presentations will be reviewd and if accepted, will be published as a periodical article with a DOI number in the Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry.
With kind regards:
Organising Committee of the MANUFACTURING2021 conference
The conference will be held at the University of Pannonia. The address of the University of Pannonia:
10 Egyetem Street
H-8200 Veszprém
Accommodation costs are not included in the conference participation fee. In case the participant would request reservation support for Hotel Magister from the conference organizers, the following room rates apply:
- Single-bed room: in the range of 9.400.-Ft+VAT/person/night
- Twin bed room for one or two persons in the range of 12.400.-Ft+VAT/night
To accept these rates, participants must ask the support of the conference organizers by direct emails to
Reservation to other hotels is to be self managed, the organizers can take no responsibility.
- Additive (3D printing) and subtracting manufacturing technologies
- Artificial Intelligence in manufacturing
- Assembly
- BigData, Data sciences
- Business models
- Communication technologies in factories
- Diagnostics
- Digital manufacturing
- Energy systems
- Engineering education
- Factory/facility management
- Human role and responsibility
- Industry 4.0
- Laser technologies
- Logistics, supply- and distribusion chains
- Maintenance management
- Manufacturing engineering
- Material sciences
- Modeling and simulation
- Products
- Production
- Risk assessment
- Robotics
- Sensors
- Quality engineering
- Systems engineering
- Workforce and labour management
- any further relevant topics to real manufacturing challenges
Draft program
- 9:30 - 16:00 - Regisztráció
- 9:30 - 17:00 - Ipari cégek kiállítása (Aula)
9:30 – 12:40: Megnyitó és plenáris szekció
Szekció elnöke: Prof. Dr. Takács János
- 10:30 - Konferencia hivatalos megnyitója (Prof. Dr. Takács János, a Gépipari Tudományos Egyesület elnöke)
- 10:35 - Elnöki köszöntő (Prof. Dr. Monostori László, SZTAKI igazgatója, a konferencia elnöke)
- 10:45 - Köszöntő beszéd a Pannon Egyetem részéről (Navracsics Tibor, a Pannon Egyetemért Alapítvány kuratóriumának elnöke)
- 11:00 - 11:30 - Prof. Dr. Monostori László: Ipar4.0 és azon túl: Néhány tendencia a CIRP-aktivitások tükrében Industry 4.0 and beyond: Some tendencies in the light of CIRP activities
- 11:30 - 12:00 - Dipl. Ing. Christian Wögerer, MAS MSc: Could a humanoid robot help people and motivate them? - RobPerMOt: An Austrian perspective on digitizing the industry.
- 12:00 - 12:30 - Prof. Dr. Abonyi János: A fejlődés töretlen: Cél az Ipar 5.0 - Hasznosítható eredmények az Ipar 4.0+ és az Operátor 4.0 területén
- 12:30 - 12:40 - Takács András: Szakipark országos gépész szakképzési pilot projekt
- 12:45 - 13:30 - Ebéd
13:30 – 15:00: Ipari bemutatók, ipari szekció
- 13:30 -13:40 - Vígvári Rendszerház Kft.
- 13:40 - 13:50 - Auro-Science Consulting Kft
- 13:50 - 14:00 - Enterprise Group
- 14:00 - 14:10 - F and DI Kft.
- 14:10 - 14:20 - T-NC Technika Kft.
- 14:20 - 14:30 - Vesz-mont 2000 Kft.
- 14:30 - 14:40 - Varinex Kft.
- 15:00 - 15:30 - Kávészünet (Konferenciaközpont előtere)
15:30 – 17:30: Anyag- és gyártástudományi szekció.
Szekció elnöke: Dr. Haidegger Géza
- 15:30 - 15:50 - Dr. Török Ádám, Mándoki Péter: Material science in department of railway vehicles and vehicle systems analysis
- 15:50 - 16:10 - Molnár Viktor, Sztankovics István: Analysis of roughness parameters determining tribological properties in hard turned surfaces
- 16:10 - 16:30 - Nagy Antal - Kundrák János: Az érdesség iránytól függő változásának elemzése paralelogramma lapkával homlokmart felületen
- 16:30 - 16:50 - Sarankó Ádám, Kalácska Gábor, Keresztes Róbert Zsolt: Analysis of formed chips in case of turning of different polymer materials
- 16:50 - 17:10 - Abdul Wahab Mgherony, Dr. Mikó Balázs: The effect of the cutting speed on the surface roughness when ball-end milling
- 17:10 - 17:30 - Móricz László, Dr. Viharos Zsolt János: Vibration based characterization of tool wearing in micro-milling of ceramics under the waveform toolpath
15:30 – 17:30: Ipar 4.0 szekció.
Szekció elnöke: Boleraczki Miklós
- 15:30 - 15:50 - Darányi András Pál, Dr. Medvegy Tibor, Jakab László, Dr. Abonyi János, Dr. Ruppert Tamás: Operator 4.0 laboratory for the demonstration of intelligent collaborative space and brownfield industry 4.0 solutions
- 15:50 - 16:10 - Dr. Éltető Andrea: Challenges of Industry 4.0 in the Visegrád countries
- 16:10 - 16:30 - Matyi Henriett: Application of Digital Twin technology in the development of logistics process
- 16:30 - 16:50 - Dr. Lovas Róbert: A felhők szerepe a gyártási folyamatok és beszállító láncok rugalmasságának növelésében a pandémia idején
- 16:50 - 17:10 - Hegedűs-Kuti János, Szőlősi József, Dr. Ruppert Tamás, Dr. Abonyi János, Dr. Andó Mátyás: Development of test methodology for characterization of welds with machine learning algorithm based framework
- 17:10 - 17:30 - Boleraczki Miklós, Dr. Gyurika István Gábor, Dr. Fodor Dénes: Gripper finger design for special purpose applications
- 18:00 - 19:00 - A Litéri Zöldág Néptáncegyüttes programja
- 19:00 - 21:00 - Díszvacsora
- 9:00 - 11:00 - Regisztráció (Konferenciaközpont előtere)
- 9:00 - 13:00 - Ipari cégek kiállítása (Aula)
9:00 – 10:20: Additív technológia és robotika szekció.
Szekció elnöke: Dr. Ficzere Péter
- 9:00 - 9:20 - Dr. Ficzere Péter: Research and practice of additive manufacturing technolgies at BME-VJJT
- 9:20 - 9:40 - Kristály Álmos, Dr. Ficzere Péter: Photo based 3D scanning
- 10:00 - 10:20 - Dr. Paniti Imre, Nacsa János, Szűr Dávid, Rácz Sándor, Tóth József: Complementary Manipulator Tool Development for Safe Cobot-assisted Hydroponics
9:00 – 10:20: Gyártástechnológia és szimulációk szekció.
Szekció elnöke: Dr. Haidegger Géza
- 9:00 - 9:20 - Kovács Péter: Gyártásszimulációk gamifikációja nyílt virtuális valóság szabványok segítségével
- 9:20 - 9:40 - Márkus László Zsolt: Interaktív virtuális bejárás a digitalizált térben
- 9:40 - 10:00 - Helle Anna Nikoletta, Pereszlai Csongor, Dr. Geier Norbert: Comparative analysis of burrs in UD-CFRP composites using advanced hole machining technologies
- 10:00 - 10:20 - Gödri András, Helle Anna Nikoletta, Dr. Geier Norbert: Mechanical deburring of drilling-induced exit burrs in carbon fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites
- 10:20 - 10:40 - Kávészünet (Konferenciaközpont előtere)
10:40 – 12:20: Általános gépészet I. szekció.
Szekció elnöke: Kulcsár Edina
- 10:40 - 11:00 - Molnár Zsolt: Building a reusable data model to support Systematic Layout Planning with discrete event simulation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
- 11:00 - 11:20 - Seregi Bálint Leon, Dr. Ficzere Péter: Weight reduction of a drone using generative design
- 11:20 - 11:40 - Kulcsár Edina, Dr. Gyurika István Gábor: Evaluation of PC-FMEA using network analysis
- 11:40 - 12:00 - Lévai Emese, Dr. Ficzere Péter: Investigation of resistance on sailboat in case of draft change caused by a change of powertrain
- 12:00 - 12:20 - Dr. Haidegger Géza: Összefoglaló a World Manufacturing Forum és az EFFRA Jövő Gyárai, ill. Made in Europe szervezet aktuális témáiról.
10:40 – 12:20: Általános gépészet II. szekció.
Szekció elnöke: Dr. Bárdos Krisztina
- 10:40 - 11:00 - Tóth József: HRC-CODE: Human-Robot Collaboration Configurator for the Safety of Applications
- 11:00 - 11:20 - Dr. Bárdos Krisztina: ManuFuture 2021 – gyártástechnológiai irányok
- 11:20 - 11:40 - Acél Artúr Benjamin, Falk György, Dömötör Ferenc, Dr. Takács János: Design and quality assured manufacturing of free form metal prostheses by selective laser melting technology
- 11:40 - 12:00 - Erdei László: Design of a period-dependent traffic management protocol concept
- 12:00 - 12:20 - Mihály Krisztián, Kulcsárné Forrai Mónika, Kulcsár Gyula: Experimental implementation of resource constrained multi-project problem solver
- 12:30 - 13:30 - Ebéd (Menza)
MANUFACTURING 2021 Conference Leaders List
Chairman of the Conference
Prof. Dr. Monostori László (SZTAKI)
Prof. Dr. Takács János (GTE) — Dr. Bárdos Krisztina (GTE)
Dr. Gyurika István (Pannon University) — Kulcsár Edina (Pannon University)
Conference organizing committee
Dr. Szalay Tibor (BME)
Dr. Lukács Pál (Pannon University)
Boleraczki Miklós (Pannon University)
Dr. Haidegger Géza (SZTAKI)
Dr. Korim Tamás (Pannon University)
Dr. Molnár Viktor (University of Miskolc)
Dr. Ruppert Tamás (Pannon University)
Dr. Tamás Péter (University of Miskolc)
Valenta László (GTE)
Scientific Committee of the Conference
Prof. Dr. Kundrák János (University of Miskolc)
Prof. Dr. Abonyi János (Pannon University)
Dr. Ailer Piroska (University of Debrecen)
Dr. Erdélyi Ferenc (University of Miskolc)
Dr. Forgó Zoltán (Sapientia University)
Dr. Hargitai Hajnalka (Széchenyi University)
Dr. Jósvai János (Széchenyi University)
Dr. Kalácska Gábor (Szent István University)
Dr. Lukács Pál (Pannon University)
Dr. Maros Zsolt (University of Miskolc)
Dr. Mátyási Gyula (BME)
Dr. Mikó Balázs (University of Óbuda)
Dr. Tamás Péter (University of Miskolc)
Dr. Váncza József (SZTAKI)
Dr. Viharos Zsolt János (SZTAKI)
Dr. Vehovszki Balázs (Széchenyi University)
Dr. Weltsch Zoltán (Neumann János University)
Prof. Dr. Czinege Imre (Széchenyi University)
Prof. Dr. Horváth Mátyás (BME)
Prof. Dr. Stépán Gábor (BME)
Prof. Dr. Szabó Péter János (BME)
Prof. Dr. Zsoldos Ibolya (Széchenyi University)
Deadline | ||
2021. 09. 15 | Early bird registration deadline | |
2021. 10. 04 | Article submission deadline (according to HJIC journal template, in English) | |
2021. 10. 04 | Deadline for arrival of article reviews | |
2021. 10. 15 | Normal registration deadline | |
2021. 10. 18 | Deadline for submission of the final version of the article(s) | |
2021. 12. 06 | Planned publication of a special issue of the Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry |
All submitted papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers which are presented at the conference will be published in the special issue of Hungarian Journal of Industry and Chemistry with DOI number (journal’s website: Expected issue of the special issue: December, 2021.
POSTERS are also welcome. Printed posters and Roll-ups will be on show around the venue.
All paper or poster presenters are requested to send the ABSTRACT with at least 300 characters directly in email to the conference organizers: manufacturing2021@gteportal
Early bird registration fee for PhD students (before September 15):
20.000 HUF + 27% VAT -
Normal registration fee for PhD students (after September 15):
30.000 HUF + 27% VAT -
Early bird registration fee for participants (before September 15):
40.000 HUF + 27% VAT -
Normal registration fee for participants (after September 15):
60.000 HUF + 27% VAT
"Level 1" exhibitor package (Exhibition with 1 table, 1 chair, 1 poster stand, industrial presentation in 5 minutes, banquet for 1 person):
60.000 HUF + 27% VAT -
"Level 2" exhibitor package (Exhibition with 2 table, 2 chair, 1 poster stand, placement of molino in the large conference room, industrial presentation in 5 minutes, banquet for 2 person):
120.000 HUF + 27% VAT -
"Level 3" exhibitor package (Exhibition with 2 table, 2 chair, 1 poster stand, placement of molino in the large conference room, place an ¼ A5 advertisement in the conference booklet industrial presentation in 5 minutes, banquet for 2 person):
150.000 HUF + 27% VAT
For any question or comment, please directly contact the conference organizers (e.g. Edina Kulcsár) at the following email address: